6-2 Power Up Self-Test
6.2 Error Codes - Privacy Plus
At power-up, the radio performs cursory tests to determine if its basic electronics and software are in
working order. Problems detected during these tests are presented as error codes on the radio
display. The presence of an error code should prompt the user that a problem exists and that a
service technician shou ld be cont acted. Self-test errors are classified as either fatal or non-fat al. Fat al
errors will inhibit user operation, non-fatal errors will not. Use Table 6-2: Power-up Display Codes to
aid in understanding particular power-up error code displays.
Table 6-2: Power-up Display Codes
Failure Display Type of
Failure Description Possible Sou r c e
FAIL 01/81 FATAL External ROM/Flash checksum error Bad ROM data, Defective ROM
FAIL 01/82 FATAL External EEPROM checksum error Bad external codeplug data,
Defective external EEPROM
ERROR 01/02 NON-FATAL External EEPROM checksum error Bad external codeplug data
FAIL 01/84 FATAL External EEPROM checksum blank Unprogrammed external code-
plug data
FAIL 01/88 FATAL External RAM error Defective RAM
FAIL 01/90 FATAL Hardware failure Defective IC
FAIL 01/92 FATAL Internal EEPROM checksum error Bad internal codeplug data,
Defective microcontroller
ERROR 01/12 NON-FATAL Internal EEPROM checksum error Bad internal codeplug data
FAIL 01/94 FATAL Internal EEPROM checksum blank Unprogrammed internal code-
plug data
FAIL 01/98 FATAL Internal RAM error Defective microcontroller
NOTE: Due to the nature of fatal ROM and RAM error, it may not be possible to present an
error code on the display. In these cases, the radio will attempt to display the
appropriate error code, gene rate an illegal mode tone for one second, and then res et
its microcontroller.