Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Motorola V100
Personal Communicator. Your Personal Communicator combines advanced calling and messaging capabilities in a small compact unit
that is stylish, easy to use, and will look great on you when you wear it with the holster.
Your Personal Communicator provides cool and exciting ways to keep in contact with your family and friends. Just review this user guide carefully and you will be ready to start using your new Personal Communicator.
A detachable Quick Reference Card is included with this guide.
Personalized Control
You can setup your Personal Communicator to access important messages, phone numbers, and features quickly. You can even answer calls with just one push of a button, even when your Personal Communicator is closed. When you are performing routine tasks, your Personal Communicator provides prompts and messages that assist you with the next task or confirms your selection.
•You can add nine of your most used features in your Quick Access menu so you can get to them with just a couple of presses of a button.
•Voice Tags lets you add voice activated commands to call your phone book entries. You can also add voice commands to select Quick Access options.