
Set a photo, picture, or animation as a wallpaper (background) image in your home screen.

Note: Your theme can also set your wallpaper (page 50).

Find it: s > } Settings > Personalize > Wallpaper


Picture Press Sup or down to select a picture, or select None for no wallpaper.

Layout Select Center to center the image in the display, Tile to repeat the image across the display, or Fit-to-screento stretch the image across the display.

Shortcut: From the home screen, press

Options > Change Wallpaper.

screen saver

Set a photo, picture, or animation as a screen saver. The screen saver appears when the flip is open and no activity is detected for a specified time.

Note: Your theme can also set your screen saver (page 50).

Tip: This feature helps save your screen, but not your battery. To extend battery life, turn off the screen saver.

customize 49

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Image 51
Motorola V3xx manual Screen saver, Options Change Wallpaper, Find it s Settings Personalize Wallpaper