Shortcut: From the home screen, press and hold 1 to check your voicemail.

Your phone may prompt you to store your voicemail phone number. If you don’t know your voicemail number, contact your service provider.

Note: You can’t store a p (pause), w (wait), or n (number) character in this number. If you want to store a voicemail number with these characters, create an address book entry for it. Then you can use the entry to call your voicemail.

Video Share calls

If you call someone who has a 3G video phone, you can see each other while you talk. Video

calls work only when your phone is on a 3G network.

Note: Next to your phone’s external lens is a camera on indicator. This can blink when your

camera is on, to let people around you know that they might be in your photo or video.

make a Video Share call

1Start a normal voice call with another phone that supports 3G video calls.

Note: If Video Share calls are available, Share Video appears over the right soft key.

2Press the Share Video key to start sharing video with the caller. Your phone starts using the speakerphone, unless you have a headset connected. During the call:

Press Stop Video to change the call to a voice call with the speakerphone on.

If you accept another incoming voice call, your phone changes this Video Share call to a voice call.

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Motorola V9x manual Video Share calls, Make a Video Share call