
Your network stores the voicemail messages you receive. When you receive a voicemail message, your phone shows the voicemail message indicator y.

Note: Your service provider may include additional information about using this feature.

Select Listen Now and press the Center Select key (s) (OK) to dial voicemail.


Select Listen Later and press the Center Select key (s) (OK). The voicemail message indicator (y) appears on the bottom of the main screen until you listen to your message.

To check voicemail messages later, press and hold

1to call your voicemail number.

in-call options

During an active call, press Options for these options:


Main Menu

Contact List


Recent Calls

Voice Record

Bluetooth Menu


Note: When you have a Bluetooth device connected during a call, you also see Audio to Phone and Disconnect Bluetooth options. When you have TTY Mode on, you also see a TTY Setup option.

more calling

restrict calls

1Press the Center Select key (s) to open the menu.

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Motorola VU204 manual Voicemail, In-call options, More calling, Restrict calls