SIM Interface
24 Module Hardware Description May 31, 2008
For more details on setting a USB interface for use with G24, please refer to the "Motorola W24
Programmer's Guide - At+i Programmers Manual Description" PN 6802985C10.
Note: The maximum length of the W24 USB signals is 1m.
SIM InterfaceW24 incorporates SIM interface intended to support G24 SIM interface, in stacked configuration.
The interface consists of the following pins (see Table 2- 7):
The above signals are routed from 70-pin host connector to G24 70-pin connector via W24. They
are not internally connected to W24 circuits. If the W24 will be used as stand alone only, the
above pins should be left open.
For more details on implementing a SIM interface for use with G24, please refer to the "Motorola
G24 Developer's Guide - Module Hardware Description" PN 6889192V27
Table 2-7:SIM In terface Signals
Pin # Pin Name Description
44 SIM_RST_N Active low SIM reset signal
46 SIM_CLK SIM Clock
48 SIM_VCC SIM Voltage Supply
50 SIM_PD_N Active low SIM card presence
52 SIM_DIO Serial input and output data