Telnet Console NPort Server Lite User’s Manual A-3
q The Esc key is used to maneuver backwards. For example, if you have made
modifications to the settings listed under the serverConfig menu, press the Esc key to
return to the MAIN MENU.
When you first activate the Telnet Console Utility’s MAIN MENU, you may find that the
arrow keys on your keyboard initially have no effect on the cursor. If that’s the case, first
click on Terminal, located on the Telnet menu bar, and then choose Preferences.
The Terminal Preferences window opens up, allowing you to select various options that
affect the function of the keyboard. Make sure that the box next to VT100 Arrows (in the
lower left hand corner of the window) is checked, and then click OK to return to the Telnet
Console window.
Telnet Console Menu Functions
The Telnet Console MAIN MENU has seven menu categories related to the operation of
NPort Server Lite. They are: serverConfig, Serialport, Diagnostic, Monitor, Ping,
Restart, and Exit. In this section we describe their purpose and use.

serverConfig Options

Using the left/right arrow keys, maneuver the cursor so that severConfig is highlighted,
and then press Enter to display twelve NPort Server Lite attributes. Note that the attribute
names are listed in the left column, and the current settings are given to the right of each