Installation and Configuration NPort Server Lite User’s Manual 4-43


The printing function is included to provide an easy way to print out test reports.
1. Click on the NPort Server Lite shown in the To be tested… info box to determine
which testing report to print.
2. Click on File and then choose Print… or simply click on the toolbar printer icon to
print out the report.


This function allows you to save the diagnostic report in a “txt” file for future reference.
1. Click on the test object in the To be tested… info box.
2. Click on File and select Save Report, or click on the toolbar Save Report icon to save
the report.
3. You will be prompted to enter a file name in the File name text input box. Click on
Save to save the file to disk

Exiting the Program

When you have finished all testing and report procedures, click on File and choose Exit, or
click on the close window box in the upper right hand corner of the NPort Server
Diagnostics window.