Installation and Configuration NPort Server Lite User’s Manual 4-55

Search All NPort Servers

The Search All NPort Servers function can be used to search the network for all active
NPort Server Lites.
1. Click on the Server menu and choose Search all servers, or simply click on the
toolbar Search all NPort Servers icon. A search will be initiated, during which time
the following window will be visible.
2. Click on Cancel if during the search you decide that it’s no longer necessary to
continue. Otherwise, when then search is complete, you will see the NPort Server
firmware upgrade utility window. The servers located by the search will be listed in
the info box.

Connect an NPort Server

The Connect a NPort Server function can be used to manually connect to a specific NPort
Server Lite.
1. Click on the Server menu and choose Connect, or simply click on the toolbar
Connect a NPort Server icon.