4-8 NPort Server Lite User’s Manual Using NPort Server Lite Manager
When you run the Setup program to install NPort Server Lite software, you are
automatically asked to add one server. However, you have the option to run NPort Server
Lite Manager at a later time if you decide to add more servers, change server names,
remove servers, or change COM names.
To start NPort Server Lite Manager, click on:
Start à Programs à NPort Server Lite à NPort Server Lite Manager.
As shown below, the NPort Server Lite Manager main window displays server names and
model numbers in the left info box. When a particular NPort Server Lite Server is
highlighted, the ports associated with that server, the associated COM port names, and
other relevant information, are shown in the right info box.
All NPort Server Lite Manager functions can be selected from the main menu. As shown
below, functions related to servers are put under the Server menu, and port functions are
under the Port menu. The help menu shows topics concerning various aspects of NPort
Server Lite Manager’s operations, and explains how to get help on-line. Moreover, when
you use the right mouse button to click on a port or server, a window with a list of functions
available for the selected item opens up.