Installation and Configuration

NPort Server Lite User’s Manual 4-7

4. Once the Complete! window opens up, verify that all information is correct, and then
click on Finish.
5. The installation program evokes the NPort Server Lite Manager utility, which
displays the servers you have just added, including port configuration settings. You
should see a screen similar to the one below if the Add Server Wizard completed the
task successfully.
. Note: For easy verification, the NPort Server Lite Manager title bar also shows the type of
installation just performed (Single-Host in this case).
6. If you would like to add another server, click on Add Server Wizard, and repeat the
above process.
7. Be sure to select Save Configuration to save settings to your Windows NT/95/98 host
and to the selected server.
8. Exit NPort Server Lite Manager when you finish.