3-4 NPort Server Lite User’s Manual

Telnet Console
Depending on the way your computer and network are set up, you may find it convenient,
or even necessary, to set up NPort Server Lite over a network. This can be done using the
Telnet program.
In the following discussion, we assume you are using a Windows NT/95/98 host.
1. From the Windows NT/95/98 desktop click on Start and then select Run.
2. In the Open text input box, type
telnet [IP address]
where [IP address] is the IP address of the NPort Server Lite which you intend to
configure, and then click OK.
3. When the Telnet window opens up, type 1 to select ansi/vt100 for Console terminal
type, and then press Enter on the computer keyboard.
4. A connection between your computer and NPort Server Lite should now be established,
and the MOXA NPort Server Lite utility program will automatically start running.