Installation and Configuration

NPort Server Lite User’s Manual 4-51

3. Enter the password and then click OK. If you entered an incorrect password, the
following window will open. Click OK and then reenter the password.
4. After reentering the password, click OK. The following window will open to verify
that the serial port reset operation has completed.

Reset Server

This function is provided so that you can reset the server whenever the NT/95/98 server
was not shut down properly or the network was disconnected. Normally, NPort Server Lite
will automatically launch five minutes after the NT/95/98 server is reconnected. This
function allows you to restart the server manually if necessary. While resetting the server,
the server transmission process will be halted and all remaining data will be cleared.
. Note: Do not use Reset Server while transmitting IMPORTANT information.
1. Click on the server that you are going to reset to highlight it.
2. Click on Monitor and choose Reset Server, or simply click on the toolbar Reset
Server icon to reset the server.
. Note: A Reset Server window will open requesting a password before resetting the port if
you have previously set up a security password using NPort Server Lite Manager. If
you didn’t set up the security password, the following dialog box won’t be displayed.