Featured Functions |
This will show which communication protocol is being
This field will appear only when selected to operate in RSTP mode. It indicates whether or not this
At the bottom of this page, the user can configure the “Settings” of this function. For RSTP, you can configure:
Protocol of RedundancySetting | Description | Factory Default |
Turbo Ring | Select this item to change to the Turbo Ring | None |
| configuration page. |
RSTP (IEEE 802.1W/1D) | Select this item to change to the RSTP | None |
| configuration page. |
Bridge priority |
Setting | Description | Factory Default |
Numerical value selected | Increase this device’s bridge priority by | 32768 |
by user | selecting a lower number. A device with a |
| higher bridge priority has a greater chance of |
| being established as the root of the Spanning |
| Tree topology. |
Forwarding Delay |
Setting | Description | Factory Default |
Numerical value input by | The amount of time this device waits before | 15 (sec.) |
user | checking to see if it should change to a |
| different state. |
Hello time (sec.) |
Setting | Description | Factory Default |
Numerical value input by | The root of the Spanning Tree topology | 2 |
user | periodically sends out a “hello” message to |
| other devices on the network to check if the |
| topology is healthy. The “hello time” is the |
| amount of time the root waits between sending |
| hello messages. |
Max. Age (sec.) |
Setting | Description | Factory Default |
Numerical value input by | If this device is not the root, and it has not | 20 |
user | received a hello message from the root in an |
| amount of time equal to “Max. Age,” then this |
| device will reconfigure itself as a root. Once |
| two or more devices on the network are |
| recognized as a root, the devices will |
| renegotiate to set up a new Spanning Tree |
| topology. |