EDS Configurator GUI |
3.Click the Upgrade Firmware toolbar icon, or select Upgrade under the Firmware menu. If the switch is Locked, you will be prompted to input the switch’s User Name and Password.
4.Use the Open window to navigate to the folder that contains the firmware upgrade file, and then click the correct “*.rom” file (eds.rom in the example shown below) to select the file. Click Open to activate the upgrade process.
Modify IP Address
You may use the Modify IP Address function to reconfigure
by clicking the Modify IP address icon, or by selecting Modify IP address under the Configuration menu.
The Setup Configuration window will open. Checkmark the box to the left of those items that you wish to modify, and then Disable or Enable DHCP, and enter IP Address, Subnet mask, Gateway, and DNS IP. Click OK to accept the changes to the configuration.