After AC Power Loss
This setting specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or interrupt occurs. Available settings are:
Power Off Leaves the computer in the power off state. Power On Leaves the computer in the power on state.
Last State Restores the system to the previous status before power failure or interrupt occurred.
Set WakeUp Events
Press <Enter> and the following
Wake Up On PME, Resume On KBC (with
These fields specify whether the system will be awakened from power saving modes when activity or input signal of the specified hardware peripheral or component is detected. Settings: Enabled, Disabled.
Resume By Alarm
This is used to enable or disable the feature of booting up the system on a scheduled time/date from the soft off (S5) state. Settings: Enabled, Disabled.
If Resume By Alarm is set to Enabled, the system will automatically re- sume (boot up) on a specific date/hour/minute/second specified in these fields. Available settings for each item are: