▶Resume By PCI or
When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the power saving modes through any event on PCI/ PCIe device.
▶Resume From S3 by USB Device
The item allows the activity of the USB device to wake up the system from S3 (Sus- pend to RAM) sleep state.
▶Resume From S3/S4/S5 by PS/2 Mouse/ Keyboard
These items determine whether the system will be awakened from what power sav- ing modes when input signal of the PS/2 mouse/ keyboard is detected.
▶Full Screen Logo Display
[Enabled] The OS boots straight to the GUI without showing the POST screen, [Disabled] Shows the POST messages at boot.
== Boot Option Priorities==
▶1st~9th Boot
These items are used to prioritize the installed boot devices.
▶USB KEY Drive BBS Priorities/ UEFI Boot Drive BBS Priorities
▶1st~8th Boot
These items are used to prioritize the installed USB key drives/ UEFI boot drives.
Save & Exit
▶Discard Changes and Exit
This it is used to abandon all changes and exit setup.
▶Save Changes and Reboot
This item is used to save changes and reboot the system.
▶Save Changes
This item is used to save changes.
▶Discard Changes
This item is used to abandon all changes.
▶Restore Defaults
This item is used to load the optimized default values set by the BIOS vendor. == Boot Override ==
The installed storage devices will appear on this menu, you can select one of them be a boot device.
▶ Shell
Use this item to enter the EFI Shell.