MultiMobile MT128ZLX User Guide Appendix C: Troubleshooting
C: Make sure the TA is not in Data Mode. Type +++ if necessary.
C: Make sure your software is set to the same COMx port as your MultiMobile.
P: The TA Does Not Give a Response After an Executed AT Command
C: The echo and/or responses may be turned off by the ATE0Q1 commands. Enable the
AT&V1 to check Result Codes.
S: Use ATE1Q0<cr> to change them back.
C: Make sure the MultiMobile is in Command Mode and not Data Mode when you type the
AT command.
P: The Software Does Not Control the TA Properly or Cannot Detect
the TA
S: Make sure the software properly configured. Check the initialization string and dial string.
C: Some TSRs (programs that stay in memory after they are loaded) may conflict with the
communications software.
S: Try starting your computer without loading any TSRs.
P: The Characters on the Screen Are Doubled
C: Both the TA and the software have the echo feature turned on.
S: Since only one needs an echo, turn the software echo feature off.
C: The remote TA is echoing your typed characters.
S: Type ATE1<cr>. Then turn off the software echo feature.
P: No Text Appears on the Screen When in Command Mode
S: If you can’t see the characters you are typing, then type ATE1 then press Enter.
P: Communications Software Dials, but Fails
C: Make sure the software dialing prefix is ATDT.
C: Make sure the software and TA are set to the same COMx port.
C: The TA may not have hung up the phone line since the last call .
S: Change to Command mode and type ATH then press Enter.
P: In NDIS mode (Microsoft ISDN Accelerator Pack has been installed
already), when your laptop is powered on, Microsoft ISDN Accelerator
Pack reports “Network adapter fail”.
S: If all VCOMM, WinISDN, and NDIS are installed at the very beginning, only oneAPI is
activated when the laptop is power on. And the other two APIs are disabled. If NDIS is not
set as power up active API, Microsoft ISDN Accelerator will report “Network adapter
Enter Run! ISDN configuration utility, check the current active API shown at the bottom of
the Utility Manager’s main screen, and make sure the NDIS is set as the currently active
mode. If not, change the currently active API to NDIS mode, then reboot the laptop.