DriveV-Belt Check
Operating the saw with less than four (4)
DriveV-Belt(s) Replacement
Reference Pointers and Covers Assembly (page 48), Blade Shaft Assembly (page 44), Engine Mount Assembly (page 46) for this operation.
1.Remove the Belt Guard (page 48, item 6), then loosen the tension of
2.Loosen the Engine Mount Carriage Bolt (page 46, item 7).
3.Loosen the (4) 1 1/2” HHC screws (page 46, item 4).
4.Rotate the engine down to provide slack in the
Figure 31.V-Belt Removal
7.Orient the blade shaft so the belt(s) to be replaced can slide of the blade shaft pulley and engine pulley.
8.Select the proper Multiquip replacement
9.Remove the
10.Orient the proper replacement
11.Replaceandtightenthe(4)3/4”HHCscrewsthatsecurethe Blade Shaft Bearings to the saw frame.
Adjust V-BeltTension
1.Tighten down the engine mount carriage bolt (page 46, item 7,) and monitor the tension on the belts.
2.Determine the proper tension (Figure 32) by using a tensionmeter against the inside belts at mid point between the two pulleys
Figure 32. V-Belt Adjustment/Tension
3.Once the proper tension has been applied to the belts, tighten the (4)
4.Replace and secure the Belt Guard (page 48, item 6).
General Cleanliness
Clean the machine daily. Remove all dust and slurry build up. If the saw is steam cleaned, ensure that lubrication is accom- plished AFTER steam cleaning operations.