ST2037, 47, 47B, 38P, 40T SUB. PUMP —
Pump Shut-Down/Clean-up
1.Remove the power from the pump by turning off the circuit breakerorswitchthatprovidespowertothepump.Remem- bertomakesurethathandsaredry(notwet),andfeetarenot standinginwaterwhenremovingdisconnectingpowerfrom thepump.
2.Usingtheliftingrope,liftthepumpupfromitscurrentposition. Remove the discharge hose from the discharge port on the pump.
3.Removeallpowercablesandfloatswitchesfromthecontrol box. Place cables and float switches in a suitable container where they will not get damaged.
4.Ifthepumpwasusedtopumpmud,gritorsilt,flush vigorously with clean water.
5.Removethepumpfromthewater.Wipeoffanymudordebris that might have attached itself to the pump.
6.Store pump in a clean dry place away from dirt and debris.
To check the oil level of the mechanical seal perform the following:
Refer to Figure 11 for location of parts to be removed.
For Model ST2040T:
1.Position pump upside down.
2.Remove casing.
3.Remove the pump impeller.
4.Remove the oil plug and packing.
For Model ST2037, ST2047, ST2047B and ST2038P:
1.Position pump upside down.
3.Remove casing.
4.Remove the pump impeller.
5.Remove the liner.
6.Remove the oil plug and packing.
1.Checkpumpoilatoilcavityplug(Figure11).Checkevery300 hoursandchangehydraulicoilevery6months(1,000hours) or as needed.
2.While checking the hydraulic oil level, also check the condition of the hydraulic oil in the seal cavity.Discolored milky oil indicates a failure of the water seal. If this occurs, replace water seal.
3.If oil level is low fill with SAE 10 weight
1.Ifimpellerisdefectiveorbadlyworn,replaceimpellerimme- diately.
PAGE 18 — ST2037,47, 47B, 38P, 40T SUB. PUMPS — OPERATION AND PARTS MANUAL — REV. #3 (06/15/10)