The HTR 3 can store learned, copied, and “default library” commands on any single key (The default library commands are the pre-programmed NAD codes, such as the native NAD receiver commands on the [AMP] “page.”).

You can delete commands by layers back “down” to the default library command on any key, removing learned commands, punched-through functions, and copied keys.


The default library commands cannot be deleted, so you need not worry that using Delete Mode might cause irreparable changes.

To enter Delete Mode, simultaneously press-and-hold for 3 seconds both the desired key’s DEVICE SELECTOR key and the [RTN] key, until the Learn LED turns green. Press the function key whose command you wish to delete; the Learn LED flashes; the number of times indicates which type of function has become active - see the table below. Press the active DEVICE SELECTOR key again to exit Delete Mode.


You may delete multiple function-key commands on the same DEVICE SELECTOR “page,” but to delete from more than one DEVICE SELECTOR page you must exit Delete Mode and then re-enter it on the required page.


Command Type

1Default Library Command

2Copied Library Command

3Learned Command


The HTR 3 can store a different library of default NAD codes for each of its DEVICE SELECTOR “pages.” If the original default library does not control your NAD CD player, DVD player or other component, follow the procedure below to change the code-library.

Begin by ensuring that the component you wish the HTR 3 to control is plugged in and powered-up (“ON,” not merely in standby). To enter the HTR 3’s Library Mode, simultaneously press-and-hold for 3 seconds both the desired DEVICE SELECTOR key and the [AVPS] key, until the Learn LED turns green.

While keeping the HTR 3 pointed toward the component, enter the first appropriate three-digit code-library number from the table below and then press [OFF]. If the component turns off, press [ENTER] to accept that code-library number and exit the Library Mode. If the component does not turn off, enter the next three-digit code-library number from the table.







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NAD HTR-3 owner manual Delete Mode, Loading CODE-LIBRARIES, Flashes, Command Type