Chapter 1 Introduction
PCMCIA Serial for Windows Me/9x 1-2
What You Need to Get StartedBefore you install your serial hardware and the NI-Serial software, make
sure you have all of the following items:
❑Windows Me/9x installed on your computer
❑One of the following serial interfaces, which is included in your kit:
–PCMCIA-232 (one, two, or four port)
–PCMCIA-485 (one or two port)
❑CD, NI-Serial Software for Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x, which is
included in your kit
❑Adapter cable from PCMCIA card to DB-9 connector, which is
included in your kit
Optional EquipmentFor more information about ordering the following optional equipment,
contact National Instruments:
•DB-9 RS-485 termination connector
•RS-232 9-pin to 9-pin null modem cable
•RS-232 9-pin to 25-pin null modem cable
•RS-485 9-pin to 9-pin null modem cable
Serial Hardware OverviewThe serial hardware gives you a variety of solutions for serial
communications. The PCMCIA-232 interfaces work with the RS-232
protocols, and the PCMCIA-485 interfaces work with the RS-422 and
RS-485 protocols. You can use the PCMCIA-232 hardware for serial
communication up to distances of 50 ft. You can connect the PCMCIA-485
hardware with up to 31 devices using serial cable lengths up to 4,000 ft.
The PCMCIA-232 is available with one, two, or four ports. The
PCMCIA-485 is available in a one-port version or two-port version. All
PCMCIA cards come with cables for each port that terminates in a standard
DB-9 D-Sub connector. Throughout this manual, references to PCMCIA
serial interfaces generally refer to all versions of the interfaces.