© National Instruments Corporation I-1 PCMCIA Serial for Windows Me/9x
add/remove programs properties dialog box
(figure), 2-1, B-3
advanced port settings, 3-3
dialog box (figure), 3-3
transceiver mode, 3-4
using FIFO buffers, 3-4
advanced transceiver control for the
PCMCIA-485, 4-1
four-wire mode, 4-2
setting transceiver control mode, 4-3
transceiver mode control modes (table), 4-2
two-wire mode: DTR controlled, 4-2
two-wire mode: DTR with Echo, 4-2
two-wire mode: TXRDY auto control, 4-3
bits per second, 3-3
cable connection, 2-8
changing communication port settings, 3-1
changing resources assigned to PCMCIA serial
cards, C-6
common questions, C-5
changing resources assigned to PCMCIA
serial cards, C-6
determining port associated with
determining type of serial hardware
installed, C-5
determining version of NI-Serial software
installed, C-5
diagnostic test failure, C-5
maximum supported baud rate, C-7
naming National Instruments serial
ports, C-5
removing information about PCMCIA serial
cards from the device manager, C-7
communication port settings, 3-1
viewing or changing, 3-1
configuration, 3-1
conflict-free resources, C-2
selecting, C-2
connecting cables, 2-8
connecting two-wire devices, 2-9
conventions, xi
customer education, E-1
data bits, 3-3
pin descriptions (table), 2-8
pin locations (figure), 2-8
DCE vs. DTE, A-5
default restoration, 3-4
determining port associated with COMx,
determining type of serial hardware
installed, C-5
determining version of NI-Serial software
installed, C-5
development tools for saving time, 1-4
device manager tab for PCMCIA serial card
ports incorrectly installed (figure), 2-6
device manager tab ports list (figure), 2-5, C-4
DeviceloControl, 4-4
input values (table), 4-4
setting transceiver mode with, 4-4
diagnostic messages, C-2
troubleshooting, C-2
diagnostic test failure, C-5