G. Enter values on the Network Settings tab of the
System Configuration dialog box, shown in the
figure at right. If your network does not have a
gateway server or DNS server, you should set those
parameters to
•IIPP AAddddrreessss—The unique, computer-readable
address of a device on your network. An IP address
is typically represented as four numbers separated
by periods (for example,, where the
numbers can be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
•SSuubbnneett MMaasskk—A code that helps the network device determine whether another device is
on the same subnet or a different subnet. The most common subnet mask is
•GGaatteewwaayy—The IP address of a device that acts as a gateway server, which is a connection
between two networks.
•DDNNSS AAddddrreessss—The IP address of a network device that stores host names and translates
them into IP addresses.
H. Enter values on the System tab of the System Configuration dialog box.
•HHoosstt NNaammee—Can describe the physical location of
the system or the application where it is being
•CCoommmmeenntt—Helps to identify the controller.
•PPaasssswwoorrdd--pprrootteecctt RReesseettss—Determines whether
users are allowed to reset the Compact FieldPoint
system remotely. If this checkbox is selected, a user
must provide the password in order to reset the
system remotely. You must disable resets from
FieldPoint Explorer separately by setting user
access to Read Only or Deny Access.
cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide ni.com