I. Enter an IP address for the Time Server on the
Servers tab of the System Configuration dialog box,
shown in the figure at right.
The time server is a networked computer that runs
the National Instruments Time Service installed by
FieldPoint Explorer. Enter the IP address of the PC
you are using. When you finish configuring the
controller, the time has been set and Time Server is
not a required parameter. The cFP-20
has an
internal battery-backed clock that provides
consistent timestamps in the absence of a time server.
J. Click OOKKin the System Configuration dialog box. Click YYeesswhen prompted to reboot the
When the cFP-20
reboots, it should appear in Remote System Explorer with the updated IP
address and comment, as shown in the following figure. If it does not appear, select
VViieeww»»RReeffrreesshhor refer to the user manual.
K. Highlight the serial number and click SSeelleecctt. When the new host name or IP address
appears in the Comm Resource Configuration dialog box of FieldPoint Explorer, you can
configure your devices and channels.
13 cFP-20xx Quick Start Guide
National Instruments Corporation