© National Instruments Corp. 11 FP-RTD-124 and cFP-RTD-124
SpecificationsThese specifications are typical for the range –40to 70 °C unless
otherwise noted.
Input Characteristics
Number of channels.......................... 8
ADC resolution................................. 16 bits
Type of ADC.....................................Delta-sigma
Input signal ranges (software-selectable by channel)
Temperature................................73 to 1123 K
–200 to 850 °C
–328 to 1562 °F
Resistance................................... 0 to 400 Ω
Temperature accuracy
Resolution.........................................0.016 °C
Resistance accuracy
Offset error................................. 0.03 Ω typical, 0.1 Ω max
Gain error..................... ..............0.06% typical, 0.1% max
Resolution...................................0.0061 Ω
Excitation current..............................135 ms pulses of 2 mA every
Input noise..................... ................... ±1 bit peak-to-peak
Signal input bandwidth..................... 3 Hz
Update rate........................................Each channel is updated
once a second
Measured Value
15 to 35 °C–40 to 70 °C
Typica l Maximum Typica l Maximum
–200 to 150 °C0.15 0.25 0.30 0.60
150 to 850 °C0.25 0.50 0.80 1.50