Chapter2 Installation
GPIB-SCSI-Afor Solaris 2-2
The GPIB-SCSI-A is shipped from the factory configuredto operate
in SCSI (S) mode. Optional parity checking on the SCSI port is disabled.
The SCSIID t hat the GPIB-SCSI-A responds to is set at 5, and the primary
GPIB address is set at 0. Additionally,the GPIB-SCSI-A kit is shipped
from the factory with a SCSI terminating resistor installed. Depending
on howyou connect the GPIB-SCSI-A to your system, you m ay want
to removethe terminating resisto r.
Note Theonly parameters available for configuration with this kit are the SCSI ID and the
GPIB address. Do not change anyo ther switch settings from thefactory default settings.
Thefactory default setting of the GPIB-SCSI-A Target ID is 5. Toconfirm
that a TargetID of 5 is available in your system, print out the startup
messages from the last time you booted with the following command:
Among the startup messages are the devicesfound on the SCSI bus
and their respectiveTarget ID numbers. If a Target ID of 5 is not available
in yoursystem, select an unused Target ID (a number between 0 and 7)
and set the appropriate switch to that TargetID number (refer to the next
section, Configuration Switch Settings for SW1). Typically, Targets 1 and 3
areu sed bythe internal disks, Target 4 is used by a tape drive (if you have
atape drive),and Target 0 is used by an external disk drive.Target 7 is
alwaysused by the Sun SPARC system central processing unit.

Configuration Switch Settings for SW1

TheDIP switcha tlo cationS W1 ont he rearp anel (see Figure 2-1) is used
toconfigure the power-on primary GPIB address and SCSI ID of the
GPIB-SCSI-A. Figure 2-2 shows the factory default settings.
Figure2-2. SW1 Default Mode Switch Settings



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