Chapter 3 Measurement Studio Visual C++ Class Libraries
Measurement Studio User Manual 3-16 ni.com
Tip For more information about using the Utility class library, refer to the Utility Visual
C++ Class Library Overview topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
CNiTempFile CNiTempFile extends the functionality of CNiFile to add
temporary file creation and manipulation.
CNiTimer CNiTimer objects use the Windows multimedia timer to generate
high-resolution, asynchronous tick events. Respond to tick events
when you want to perform an action at a discrete interval.
Additionally, you can count the tick events to calculate elapsed time.
The CNiTimer class also contains static functions you can use to
delay for a period of time or to determine elapsed time between
two points in your program.
Table 3-1. Utility Class Names and Functionalities (Continued)
Utility Class Functionality