Measurement Studio User Manual G-2
button A control used to input or display boolean information or to initiate an
action in a program.
channel 1. Physical—a terminal or pin at which you can measure or generate an
analog or digital signal. A single physical channel can include more than
one terminal, as in the case of a differential analog input channel or a digital
port of eight lines. The name used for a counter physical channel is an
exception because that physical channel name is not the name of the
terminal where the counter measures or generates the digital signal.
2. Virtual—a collection of property settings that can include a name, a
physical channel, input terminal connections, the type of measurement or
generation, and scaling information. You can define NI-DAQmx virtual
channels outside a task (global) or inside a task (local). Configuring virtual
channels is optional in Traditional NI-DAQ and earlier versions, but is
integral to every measurement you take in NI-DAQmx. In Traditional
NI-DAQ, you configure virtual channels in MAX. In NI-DAQmx, you can
configure virtual channels in either MAX or in a program, and you can
configure channels as part of a task or separately.
3. Switch—a switch channel represents any connection point on a switch.
It may be made up of one or more signal wires (commonly one, two, or
four), depending on the switch topology. A virtual channel cannot be
created with a switch channel. Switch channels may be used only in the
NI-DAQmx Switch functions and VIs.
chart To append new data points to the end of an existing plot over time.
CodeBuilder LabWindows/CVI feature that creates code based on a .uir file to connect
your GUI to the rest of your program. This code can be compiled and run
as soon as it is created.
coercion Automatic conversion that Measurement Studio controls perform to change
the numeric representation of a data element.
COM Component Object Model. Microsoft specification for architecting and
developing reusable software components.