© National Instruments Corporation G-7 Measurement Studio User Manual
Measurement &
Automation Explorer
National Instruments tool for configuring your National Instruments
hardware and driver software; executing system diagnostics; adding new
devices, interfaces, and virtual channels; and viewing devices and
instruments connected to your system.
measurement device DAQ devices such as the E Series multifunction I/O (MIO) devices,
SCXI signal conditioning modules, and switch modules.
Measurement Studio National Instruments software that includes tools to build measurement
applications in Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, and Visual C++ .NET.
meter A control used to input or display numerical data.
method Function that performs a specific action on or with an object. The operation
of the method often depends on the values of the object properties.
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class. A framework for programming in Microsoft
Windows, MFC provides code for managing windows, menus, and dialog
boxes; performing basic input/output; storing collections of data objects,
and more.
NI-488.2 Driver-level software to control and communicate with National
Instruments GPIB hardware.
NI-DAQ Driver-level software to control and communicate with DAQ hardware.
NI-DAQ is an extensive library of VIs and functions you can call from an
application development environment (ADE) to program all the features of
an NI measurement device, such as configuring, acquiring and generating
data from, and sending data to the device.
NI-DAQmx The latest NI-DAQ driver with new VIs, functions, and development tools
for controlling measurement devices. The advantages of NI-DAQmx over
earlier versions of NI-DAQ include the DAQ Assistant for configuring
channels and measurement tasks for your device for use in LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio; increased performance such
as faster single-point analog I/O; and a simpler API for creating DAQ
applications using fewer functions and VIs than earlier versions of
NI-IMAQ Driver-level software to control and communicate with National
Instruments image acquisition hardware.