© National Instruments Corporation G-9 Measurement Studio User Manual
property pages Window or dialog box that displays current configuration information and
allows users to modify the configuration.
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range Region between the limits within which a quantity is measured, received,
or transmitted. The range is expressed by stating the lower and upper range


scalar Number that a point on a scale can represent. The number is a single value
as opposed to an array.
scale Part of graph, chart, and some numeric controls and indicators that contains
a series of marks or points at known intervals to denote units of measure.
scatter graph A control that displays two-dimensional data on a Windows Forms user
interface; displays a graph of X and Y data pairs.
scope See oscilloscope.
serial Standard serial bus on a computer used to communicate with instruments.
Also known as RS-232.
slide A control used to input or display numerical data.
slider Moveable part of a slide control.
switch A control used to receive and control boolean input in an application user
synchronous Property or operation that begins and returns control to the program only
when the operation is complete.