©NationalInstruments Corporation 31 MID-7654/7652Servo Power Motor Drive User Guide
4. Push the fuse holder back into the powerentry module with the same
orientation you observed ins tep 2.
5. Close the hinged cover.
Changing the Line Voltage
Follow these steps to change the line voltage on your MID-7654/7652:
1. Pry open the hinged coveron the power entry module (number 7 in
Figure 6).
2. Removethe fuse holder.
3. Replace the two fuses with the appropriate fuses for the desired line
voltageas listed in the Specificat ions section.
4. Rotatethe f use holder 180 degrees so the desired line voltage number
showsthrough the w indowwhen the powermodule cover is closed.
5. Push the fuse holder back into the powerentry mo dule with the new
6. Close the hinged cover.
Amplifier/Driver Command SignalsThe PWM amplifiersu sedin the MID-7654/7652 accept an
industry-standard±10 V analog torque (current) command signal. Servo
motion controllers used with the MID-7654/7652 provide this standard
output and are programmed to close both the velocity loop and position
loop using an enhanced PID algorithm.
SpecificationsThefollowing specificat ions apply only to the MID-7654/7652. You must
account for your motion controller to obtain a system specification. Refer
toyour controller specifications to determine overall system specification s.
Somesignals define compatibility as signal pass-through, which means the
MID-7654/7652 may use passivefiltering on these signals. This will not
affectthe voltage range or current handling capability. Consult your motion
controllerspecifications to determine the allowable voltage range and logic
levelcompatibility of the signal.
Servo Amplifiers
Type....................................................... Elmo Motion Control VIO 10/100
Peakcurrent limit (2.7 s) ........................1.7–10 A (default 1.7 A)