© National Instruments Corporation G-15 NI 6238/6239 User Manual
real time 1. Displays as it comes in; no delays.
2. A property of an event or system in which data is processed and acted
upon as it is acquired instead of being accumulated and processed at a
later time.
3. Pertaining to the performance of a compu tation during the actual time
that the related physical process transpires so results of the
computation can be used in guiding the physical process.
RSE Referenced Single-Ended configuration—All measurements are made with
respect to a common reference measurement system or a ground. Also
called a grounded measurement system.
RTSI Real-Time System Integration.
RTSI bus Real-Time System Integration bus—The National Instruments timing bus
that connects DAQ devices directly, by means of connectors on top of the
devices, for precise synchronization of functions.
Ss Seconds.
S Samples.
sample counter The clock that counts the output of the channel clock, in other words, the
number of samples taken. On devices with simultaneous sampling, this
counter counts the output of the scan clock and hence the number of scans.
scan One or more analog or digital input samples. Typically, the number of input
samples in a scan is equal to the number of channels in the input group. For
example, one pulse from the scan clock produces one scan which acquires
one new sample from every analog input channel in the group.
scan interval Controls how often a scan is initialized; is regulated by the AI Sample
Clock signal.
scan rate Reciprocal of the scan interval.
SCC Signal Conditioning Carriers—A compact, modular form factor for signal
conditioning modules.