NI 781xR User Manual G-4 © National Instruments Corporation
m Meter.
max Maximum.
MIMO Multiple input, multiple output.
min Minimum.
MIO Multifunction I/O.
monotonicity A characteristic of a DAC in which the analog output always increases as
the values of the digital code input to it increase.
mux Multiplexer—A switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially
connects each of its inputs to its output, typically athigh speeds, in order to
measure several signals with a single analog input channel.
noise An undesirable electrical signal—Noise comes from external sources such
as the AC power line, motors, generators, transformers, fluorescent lights,
CRT displays, computers, electrical storms, welders, radio transmitters,
and internal sources such as semiconductors, resistors, and capacitors.
Noise corrupts signals you are trying to send or receive.
NRSE Nonreferenced single-ended mode—All measurements are made with
respect to a common (NRSE) measurement system reference, but the
voltage at this reference can vary with respect to the measurement system
OUT Output pin—A counter output pin where the counter can generate various
TTL pulse waveforms.