NI 781xR User Manual G-6 © National Instruments Corporation
Ss Seconds.
S Samples.
S/s Samples per second—Used to express the rate at which a DAQ board
samples an analog signal.
signal conditioning The manipulation of signals to prepare them for digitizing.
slew rate The voltage rate of change as a function of time. The maximum slew rate
of an amplifier is often a key specification to its performance. Slew rate
limitations are first seen as distortion at higher signal frequencies.
TTHD Total harmonic distortion—The ratio of the total rms signal due to
harmonic distortion to the overall rms signal, in decibel or a percentage.
thermocouple A temperature sensor created by joining two dissimilar metals. The
junction produces a small voltage as a function of the temperature.
TTL Transistor-transistor logic.
two’s complement Given a number x expressed in base 2 with n digits to the left of the radix
point, the (base 2) number 2n – x.
VV Volts.
VDC Volts direct current.
VHDCI Very high density cabled interconnect.
VI Virtual Instrument—Program in LabVIEW that models the appearance and
function of a physical instrument.
VIH Volts, input high.
VIL Volts, input low.