Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-5 NI 783xR User Manual
Slew rate.................................................10 V/µs
Noise...................................................... 150 µVrms, DC to 1 MHz
Glitch energy
at midscale transition............................. ±200 mV for 3 µs
Digital I/ONumber of channels
NI7 830R.........................................56
NI7 831R.........................................96
NI7 833R.........................................96
Compatibility......................................... TTL
Digital logic levels
Maximum output current
Imax (source).....................................5.0 mA
Imax (sink)........................................5.0 mA
Input leakage current..............................±10 µA
Power-on state........................................Programmable, by line
Data transfers......................................... Interrupts, programmed I/O
Input................................................–0.5 to 7.0 V
Output............................................. Short-circuit (up to eight lines
may be shorted at a time)
Level Min Max
Input low voltage (VIL)
Input high voltage (VIH)
0.0 V
2.0 V
0.8 V
5.5 V
Output low voltage (VOL),
where IOUT = –Imax (sink)
Output high voltage (VOH),
where IOUT = Imax (source)
2.4 V
0.4 V