© National Instruments Corporation I-9 NI 8352/8353 User Manual
System Event Logging, 2-18
System Firmware Progress, 2-19
System Memory, 2-7
System Temperature, 2-17
System Time, 2-4


technical support, D-1
testing power up, 2-3
Thermal Management 2, 2-13
Time Out Option, 2-19
Timer for Loading OS (Minutes), 2-19
training and certification (NI resources), D-1
Transfer Mode, 2-6
controller does not boot, 5-1
damaged module, 5-2
NI resources, D-1
video display, 5-2
two different pairs of identical DIMMs
(figure), B-18
two identical DIMMs in DIMM 1 and
DIMM 2 (figure), B-17
Type, 2-5


Ultra DMA Mode, 2-7
Universal Serial Bus (USB), 3-1
connector location and pinout
(figure), 3-3
connector signals (table), 3-3
connectors and signals, 3-3
overview (table), 3-1
unpacking the NI 8352/8353, 1-1
upgrading hard disk drives, B-20
upgrading memory, B-13
installing DDR modules, B-19
removing DDR modules, B-20
USB floppy disk drive, 1-6
USB Function, 2-12
User Password Is:, 2-20


connector and signals, 3-5
connector signals (table), 3-6
location and pinout (figure), 3-5
overview (table), 3-1
VGA connector (JPG1) jumper settings, B-4
video, 3-1
See also VGA
View DMI Event Log, 2-16
Voltage Monitoring, 2-18


Watchdog, 2-8
watchdog (JWD) jumper settings, B-6
Web resources, D-1