© National Instruments Corporation G-5 NI 8352/8353 User Manual


NI-DAQ The National Instruments software for data acquisition instruments.
NI-VISA The National Instruments implementation of the VISA standard—An
interface-independent software that provides a unified programming
interface for VXI, GPIB, and serial instruments.


PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. The PCI bus is a high-performance
32-bit or 64-bit bus with multiplexed address and data lines.
PEF Platform Event Filter
PIO Programmed Input/Output
POSC Power On Self Configuration
POST Power On Self Test
PXI PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation—An open implementation of
CompactPCI that adds electrical features that meet the high-performance
requirements of instrumentation applications by providing triggering,
local buses, and system clock capabilities. PXI also offers two-way
interoperability with CompactPCI products.


RAM Random Access Memory—The computer’s primary workspace.
RAS Row Address Strobe
RMS Root Mean Squared
RTC Real Time Clock—An electronic circuit that maintains the time of day and
also can provide timing signals for timesharing operations.