Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
NI PXI-1056 User Manual 2-10
Serial Communication Command Set
Voltage, temperature, and fan speed statuses may be read using the
following defined command set. Any monitored parameter having a trip
point to indicate a fail status will also generate an autonomous status
message to indicate the fault condition.
Terminal Settings
The communication terminal must be set to the following settings.
RS-232 Command Syntax
The following tables contain each available command in the set, along with
proper syntax and brief descriptions of their effects. In each example, the
Command column lists each command that can be sent through the RS-232
terminal to the monitoring system, the Response column lists the syntax of
the return value from the monitoring system, and X represents the returned
value itself (in single-digit integer, multiple digit integer, and decimalized
Notes The commands are case sensitive.
The order of the <CR><LF> commands is the ideal order, and may not be implemented as
such in older versions of the SMM code.
Parameter Val ue
Baud rate 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None