© National Instruments Corporation G-5 NI PXI-1056 User Manual
Mm Meters.
MAX NI Measurement & Automation Explorer, the utility which allows you to
configure and test your PXI system.
MHz Megahertz. One million Hertz; one Hertz equals one cycle per second.
ms Millisecond, one thousandth of a second (10–3).
MTBF Mean time between failure.
MTTR Mean time to repair.
NNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
NI National Instruments.
NI-DAQmx National Instruments driver which controls the operation of National
Instruments data acquisition (DAQ) devices.
NI-VISA National Instruments’ implementation of the VISA (Virtual Instrument
System Architecture) I/O standard. NI-VISA provides support for the
VISA API, and also provides VISAIC, a utility for instrument
configuration and I/O function execution.
ns Nanosecond, one billionth of a second (10–9).
Ppower-supply shuttle A removable module that contains the chassis power supply.
ppm Parts-per-million.
ps Picosecond, one trillionth of a second (10–12).