NI PXI-8104 User Manual G-4
II/O Input/output—The techniques, media, and devices used to achieve
communication between machines and users.
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics—Hard disk and built-in controller.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
in. Inches.
instrument driver A set of routines designed to control a specific instrument or family of
instruments, and any necessary related files for LabWindows/CVI or
interrupt A means for a device to request service from another device.
interrupt level The relative priority at which a device can interrupt.
IRQ# Interrupt request signal.
ISA Industry Standard Architecture—The original PC bus architecture,
specifically the 16-bit AT bus.
KkB Kilobytes of memory.
LLAN Local Area Network—Communications network that serves users within
aco nfined geographical area. It is made up of servers, workstations,
anetwork operating system, and a communications link.
LED Light-emitt ing diode.
Mm Meters.
master A functional part of a PXI device that initiates data transfers on the
PXI backplane. A transfer can be either a read or a write.