Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
NI PXI-8183 User Manual 2-10 ni.com
BIOS setup using the user password, the only BIOS setting you can
modify is the user password. The default is no password.
•Password on Boot—This setting controls whether the controller
requires a supervisor or user password to boot an operating system. If
you enter the supervisor password on boot, you have supervisor-level
diskette access. If you enter the user password on boot, you have
user-level diskette access.
•Write Protect Boot Sector—When set to Yes, this setting prevents
modification of a hard disk boot sector through INT 13h services,
which may help prevent certain computer viruses from infecting the
controller. This setting does not prevent boot sector modification
by32-bit op erating system drivers that access the hard disk directly.
The default is No.
Note To disable a current password, leave the new password field blank by pressing
<Enter> on the field.
Boot Setup MenuThis screen displays the boot order of devices associated with the
controller. The BIOS proceeds down this list in search of a bootable device.
If the BIOS fails to find any bootable device, the message Operating
System Not Found is displayed, and the system halts.
•Removable Devices—The boot list includes floppy drives, ZIP drives,
and some USB-based devices.
•Hard Drive—The boot list includes all IDE/ATA and USB hard disks
detected on the system. Press <Enter> on this entry to expand it to
select the boot priority of individual IDE/ATA hard drives.
•CD-ROM Drive—The boot list includes all classes of CD-ROM
drive, including USB drives.
Notes If an SCSI host adapter exists in the system, this menu has an additional entry for
SCSI devices.
If PXE Network Boot is enabled, this menu has an additional entry for the Ethernet