NI PXI-8183 User Manual I-2
how to use this documentation set, vii
NI resources, B-1
drivers, 2-15
installation, video, 4-4
NI resources, B-1
obtaining latest drivers, 4-8
Eelectromagnetic compatibility, A-3
environmental management,
specifications, A-4
battery replacement and disposal, A-5
WEEE information, A-4
Ethernet, connector
location and pinout (figure), 3-5
signals (table), 3-5
examples (NI resources), B-1
Exiting BIOS Setup menu, 2-11
Ffiles and directories installed on hard
drive, 2-15
floppy drive, using external floppy drive, 4-8
front panel
connectors, 3-1
dimensions, 3-2
features, 3-11
functional overview of NI PXI-8183, 1-2
Hhard drive, 3-11
files and directories installed on, 2-15
recovery, 2-17
help, technical support, B-1
controller, using SCSI hard drive in
addition, 4-1
logic block, 1-4
images directory, 2-15
See also configuration
configuration in MAX (figure), 4-5
injector/ejector handle position
(caution), 2-2
NI PXI-8183 installed in a PXI chassis
(figure), 2-3
procedure, 2-1
removing NI PXI-8183 from PXI
chassis, 2-4
removing protective screw caps
(figure), 2-2
instrument drivers (NI resources), B-1
Integrated Peripherals menu, 2-7
Kkeyboard and mouse
logic block, 1-4
overview (table), 3-1
keyboard, plugging PS/2 mouse and keyboard
into controller, 4-3
KnowledgeBase, B-1
LLabVIEW, 1-5
LabVIEW RT configuration
switches, 2-13, 2-14
LabVIEW RT Setup menu, 2-9
LabWindows/CVI, 1-5
LEDs, front panel LEDs, 3-11, 4-1
LPT cable, connecting to NI PXI-8183, 4-3