NI PXIe-1065 User Manual G-4
in. Inches.
inhibit To turn off.
Jjitter A measure of the small, rapid variations in clock transition times from their
nominal regular intervals. Units: seconds RMS.
Kkg Kilograms.
km Kilometers.
Llb Pounds.
LED Light emit ting diode.
line regulation The maximum steady-state percentage that a DC voltage output will
change as a result of a specified change in input AC voltage (step change
from 90 to 132 VAC or 180 to 264 VAC).
load regulation The maximum steady-state percentage that a DC voltage output will
change as a result of a step change from no-load to full-load output current.
Mm Meters.
MHz Megahertz. One million Hertz; one Hertz equals one cycle per second.
mi Miles.
ms Milliseconds.
MTBF Mean time between failure.
MTTR Mean time to repair.