© National Instruments Corporation G-5 NI PXIe-1065 User Manual
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
NI National Instruments.
power supply shuttle A removable module that contains the chassis power supply.
PXI PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation.
PXI_CLK10 10 MHz PXI system reference clock.
RH Relative humidity.
RMS Root mean square.
s Seconds.
skew Deviation in signal transmission times.
slot blocker An assembly installed into an empty slot to improve the airflow in adjacent
standby The backplane is unpowered (off), but the chassis is still connected to AC
power mains.
System controller A module configured for installation in Slot 1of a PXI chassis. This device
is unique in the PXI system in that it performs the system controller
functions, including clock sourcing and arbitration for data transfers across
the backplane. Installing such a device into any other slot can damage the
device, the PXI backplane, or both.