© National Instruments Corporation G-1 LabVIEW Order Analysis Toolset User Manual


2D Two-dimensional.


adaptive filter A type of filter that operates on a recursive algorithm to achieve the goal of
optimum. It is self-designing and suitable for tracking time variations of the
input signal, but complete knowledge of the relevant signal characteristics
is not available.
aliasing A phenomenon in which an analog signal of a frequency greater than half
the sampling frequency, or Nyquist frequency, appears after sampling at a
frequency less than half the sampling frequency. See also anti-aliasing filter
and Nyquist frequency.
anti-aliasing filter Analog lowpass filters used before analog-to-digital conversion to filter out
the frequencies greater than half the sampling frequency. See also aliasing
and Nyquist frequency.


critical sampling Occurs in Gabor transform when the window length equals the window
shift step. In critical sampling, the number of Gabor coefficients cm, n equals
the number of original data samples s[k].


dB Decibel.
dual functions Pair of window functions for Gabor transform and Gabor expansion. The
two dual functions are interchangeable. That is, you can use either of the
dual functions for a Gabor transform while using the other dual function for
a Gabor expansion.