About This Manual
LabVIEW Order Analysis Toolset User Manual viii ni.com
bold Bold text denotes items that you must select or click in the software, such
as menu items and dialog box options. Bold text also denotes the names of
parameters, dialog boxes, sections of dialog boxes, windows, menus,
palettes, and front panel controls and buttons.
italic Italic text denotes variables or cross references.
monospace Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the
keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples.
This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths, directories,
programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names, functions, operations,
variables, filenames and extensions, and code excerpts.
Platform Text in this font denotes a specific platform and indicates that the text
following it applies only to that platform.
Related Documentation
The following documents contain information that you might find helpful
as you read this manual:
LabVIEW Order Analysis Toolset Help
Getting Started with LabVIEW
LabVIEW User Manual
LabVIEW Help