© National Instruments Corporation G-3 LabVIEW Order Analysis Toolset User Manual
order curves The high power density curves in a spectral map which indicate order
orthogonal-like Gabor
transform pair
The pair is composed of a Gabor transform and a Gabor expansion when
the Gabor coefficients cm, n found by each method are the projection of the
signal on the synthesis window function h[k].
over sampling Occurs in a Gabor transform when the window length is greater than the
window shift step. In over sampling, the number of Gabor coefficients cm, n
is more than the number of original data samples s[k].
resampling A method to sample a time sequence at a different time interval.
RMS Root mean square.
RPM Revolutions per minute.
STFT Short time Fourier transform.
window shift step The shortest time interval between two windows. In the LabVIEW Order
Analysis Toolset, it is always equal to a quarter (0.25) of the window
length. For example, if the window length is 2,048, the window shift is 512.