© National Instruments Corporation G-3 PCI-1200 User Manual
D/A digital-to-analog
DAC digital-to-analog converteran electronic device, often an integrated
circuit, that converts a digital number into a corresponding analog voltage
or current
DAC output update signal
DAC0OUT, DAC1OUT digital-to-analog converter 0, 1 output signals
DACWRT DAC write signa l
DAQ data acquisitiona system that uses the computer to collect, receive, and
generate electrical signals
DATA data lines at the specified port signal
dB decibelthe unit for expressing a logarithmic measure of the ratio of two
signal levels: dB=20log10 V1/V2, for signals in volts
DC direct current
DGND digital ground signal
DI digital input
DIFF differential
DIO digital input/output
DMA direct memory access
DNL differential nonlinearity
DO digital output
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memoryROM that can be
erased with an electrical signal and reprogrammed