© National Instruments Corporation G-7 IMAQ PCI-1428 User Manual
RAM Random-access memory.
real time A property of an event or system in which data is processed as it is acquired
instead of being accumulated and processed at a later time.
relative accu racy A measure in LSB of the accuracy of an ADC; it includes all nonlinearity
and quantization errors but does not include offset and gain errors of the
circuitry feeding the ADC.
resolution The smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement
system. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in
percent of full scale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution, one
part in 4,096 resolution, and 0.0244 percent of full scale.
RGB Color encoding scheme using red, green, and blue (RGB) color information
where each pixel in the color image is encoded using 32 bits: 8 bits for red,
8 bits for green, 8 bits for blue, and 8 bits for the alpha value (unused).
ribbon cable A flat cable in which the conductors are side by side.
ROI Region of interest. A hardware-programmable rectangular portion of the
acquisition window.
ROM Read-only memory.
RTSI bus Real-Time System Integration Bus. The National Instruments timing bus
that connects IMAQ and DAQ boards directly, by means of connectors on
top of the boards, for precise synchronization of functions.
s Seconds.
saturation The amount of white added to a pure color. Saturation relates to the richness
of a color. A saturation of zero corresponds to a pure color with no white
added. Pink is a red with low saturation.
scaling down c ircuitry Circuitry that scales down the resolution of a video signal.
scatter-gather DMA A type of DMA that allows the DMA controller to reconfigure on-the-fly.
SDRAM Synchronous dynamic RAM.